Vanaajamaja rahvusvaheline kursus: Traditional Estonian Log Building with Hand and Power Tools
Vanaajamaja invites you to a hands-on workshop about traditional log building using both hand and power tools. Over the six-days log building workshop, you’ll learn traditional Estonian log-building by cutting and raising a traditional smoke sauna (suitsusaun), a small log building that is an iconic form in Estonian vernacular architecture. We are practicing log scribing with hand tools like it was done originally in old days, but we also teach to use power tools with nowadays technique. The workshop is 100% practical – working robe and ability to handle woodworking tools is expected.
During the course you join the process of building 3 x 5 m sauna with dove tail joints. Cutting up sauna takes usually 5-6 weeks, during the course the wall rise few rows, but all the stages of log house building will be covered.
It was decided to add smoke sauna tradition to UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2014. You’ll definitely have a chance to get part of the traditional sauna culture during your stay.
More info and registration: